2020-04-03: Learning Gitlab in Container

How to become familiar with setting up Gitlab locally within a Container, and my experience as I progress.



Start Gitlab

Do this to start Gitlab in containers:

git clone https://github.com/geircode/learning_gitlab cd learning_gitlab cd run-gitlab-server docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Go to http://localhost:8080

  • Create new password for “root” user

After trying to login in with “root” user and I got this 404 error:

But when trying a clean URL: http://localhost:8080/, it worked!

Whohoo! My very own local Gitlab:)

Create a project

1. Create a new project called “awesome-sauce” and add a readme file

2. Clone your own repo!

git clone http://localhost:8080/root/awesome-sauce.git


Add Gitlab CI to build the repository

Following the guide at https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/quick_start/README.html

1. Creating a simple .gitlab-ci.yml file

image: "alpine" before_script: - echo before_script task_1: script: - echo task_1 task_2: script: - echo task_2

2. git commit the changes

3. Authenticate to own repository to git commit. Fun fun.

But did the CI Pipeline run? => http://localhost:8080/root/awesome-sauce/pipelines

Add a Git Runner to Gitlab CI to build the repository

The “docker-compose” file that specify the containers running looks like this:

And running docker ps shows that there is a Gitlab runner running in a container already.

Inspired by this post => https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/50851

1. Get the registration token. Go to http://localhost:8080/root/awesome-sauce/-/settings/ci_cd

2. Register a Gitlab runner into Gitlab

Since this is a linux shell script, run this either from WSL or from inside a workplace Container with Docker CLI installed.

2 Run the script from within a worksplace container

2.1 Go to the root folder of the repository and run the “docker-compose.build.up.bat“ script to start the “learning_gitlab“ container

Open a CMD in Windows:

2.2 Open a terminal to the container

PS: You need to change the “registration_token“ in the script before running.

Check if the pipeline is running now => http://localhost:8080/root/awesome-sauce/pipelines

It’s “running”!

But now it’s stuck on “running”. Now what?

Trying to find logs

500 Internal Server error”!

Ok, but what went wrong?

After abit of research I found the error and it was how the Git Runner was setup. See “Understanding the Git Runner register”.

Understanding gitlab-runner register

What are these options, where do they come from and where are they documented?

They are part of the Gitlab Runner Configuration, and documented in https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnersdocker-section.

So instead of manipulating the config.toml file, these options can be given as command line parameteres to the function “gitlab-runner register“.

Find docs for “docker-network-mode

1. Search for “network_mode“ in the docs. PS. See the UNDERSCORE, because all config in the docs are specified with underscore, but the command line parameteres must be with dash.

Since this option belongs to thedocker” section, the parameter then becomes prefixed with ‘docker’ with underscore: “docker_network_mode“.

This particular option causes all the gitlab runner helper containers which are the ones that ones that do all the work, to be part of the same docker network as the gitlab server and is then able to pull git repositories.

But where is the complete list of parameteres the “gitlab-runner register” command line?

It’s not possible to find this in gitlab.com, but run “gitlab-runner register --help” to see what options that are available:

The docs however “hides” inside the source code => https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/blob/master/common/config.go#L52

The options that are available for “gitlab-runner register“ function is the 'env' variable in the DockerConfig:

Go ahead with the example “network-mode“, this will be:

Just transform this to UNDERSCORE and this will be the command line option.

This also means that it is possible to add the env variable to the shell before running the gitlab-runner register” command as a alternative way to add parameteres to the function.

Persisting the new repository in Gitlab.com

The “awesome-sauce” repo is also stored in Gitlab.com and that means that is also runs the pipeline here. That way we can check if the pipeline is actually working.


1. Check if the pipeline is working as intended: https://gitlab.com/geircode/awesome-sauce/pipelines



Monolithic Gitlab Container

The container running is not built according to Container Best Practice which is to adheer to the single responsibility pattern and that is to do one thing, and do this one thing properly. The Gitlab container is running these at least these services:

In a Container world, all these services would run in seperate containers.

To remedy this, Gitlab has specified this official Helm chart for running Gitlab in Kubernetes => https://docs.gitlab.com/charts/

Looking into the Container to see how much it is actually running:

Wow! Usually there are only 3-5 live processes inside a container. This is not good and not best practice.

Why stuff everything inside a single Container?

Why not run seperate services in docker-compose classic or Docker Swarm? Oh well.

Gitlab docs for running in Containers



  • How to use docker-compse to install Gitlab

Gitlab docs sources







GitLab Runner


Omnibus GitLab




