2020-04-03: Setting up Ghost publishing container platform in Azure

I wanted to create a new plattform that was more flexible and ‘scannable’ by google so that it is actually possible to search and find my articles:) Both wordpress.com and Confluence is difficult to use as a publishing platform due to a lot of reasons.

With Ghost I hope to gain more control of Google analytics and get a much cheaper plattform, because I will host it in Azure and handle everything myself. And share how to do so in this article.

Sources: https://github.com/geircode/setting-up-ghost-in-azure

My inspiration to do this was from this site => https://sergeydotnet.com/ghost-on-azure-with-docker/

But there are plenty of sites describing how to do something similar, just google => Ghost on Azure with docker. So I guess this will be my contribution:)


  • Use Infrastructure-as-code to set up Azure

  • Create CI/CD with Azure Devops, Gitlab.com or Github Actions

  • Create a local development environment

How to get familiar with Ghost

A few helpful resources:

Start Ghost

To start Ghost in containers locally using docker-compose

1. Get the source and start the containers

git clone https://github.com/geircode/setting-up-ghost-in-azure cd setting-up-ghost-in-azure cd ghost-service docker network create -d overlay --attachable setting_up_ghost_in_azure_network docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

2. Go to http://localhost:8900

Create the first publication

To create the first account

1. Login to Ghost Admin => http://localhost:8900/ghost

2. Create your account


And behold, the new Admin page! Here you can do great things. Or destroy everything.

3. Click on “New post” and write some stuff

4. Publish your stuff

5. Go to http://localhost:8900/whohoo/ to see the new publication





Use Ghost-CLI? https://ghost.org/docs/api/v3/ghost-cli/