2018-11-13: How to setup a pipeline in Azure DevOps


I want to find out how easy is it to setup a Continous Deployment pipeline together with Docker Hub/Cloud? Or perhaps without?

First, I need some code to publish and create a new Git repository in Azure.

Either way, you will end up here:

with or without some content, depending on your account.

Next steps:

  • Click on "New organization"

  • Click on "Create Project"


Add some code by clicking on "Repos". Here you have several choices. Either "Clone to your computer" or push existing code to this new repository.

I will be importing an existing repository containing my Portainer Docker Container setup:



But in order to clone it locally to my computer I had to "Save Git credentials" with a new password.

Then click on "Clone in VSCode" to use Visual Studio Code to create an entry in Windows Credential Manager in a correct way.

If I had used an API key then your clone command would be something like this:

git clone https://<token>@dev.azure.com/devops-skolen/ApmlSolverEngine/_git/ApmlSolverEngine

Would it not be fun to make Azure create a Docker Container?

  • Creating a new build pipeline. Navigate to and click on "Builds", and click on "New pipeline"

  • Click on "Azure Repos"
  • Select your repo
  • Select Docker Container
  • Commit and build

Nice feedback!

And it fails because there no "Dockerfile" in the repository.

Again. Very nice feedback!